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Glossary For Alopecia Areata

Auto Immune - (au-to-im-mune)

A state in which the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks the body's own cells

Biopsy - (bi-op-sy)

The removal of a small sample of tissue from a living body for examination and diagnostic purposes

Chemotherapy - (che-mo-ther-a-py )

The use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (especially cancer)

Genetic - (ge-net-ic)

Occurring amongst members of a family - usually by heredity; related to genes

Hair Follicles - (Hair-Fa-lekels)

Tubular cavities in outermost layer of skin from which the hair shafts grow

Immune system - (im-mune system)

The body system, made up of many organs and cells, which defends the body against infection, disease and foreign substances

Relapse - (re-lapse )

Deterioration in health; the return of signs and symptoms of a disease after a patient has been in remission for some time

Remission - (re-mis-sion )

Symptom-free period during the course of a disease

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